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Trefoil Guilds are groups within Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada for women over the age of 30 who want to keep the Spirit of Guiding Alive!
Guilds are open to women who have been in the organization in previous years or who are willing to be enrolled in Guides Canada. There is no specific Trefoil Guild Program. Each Guild may decide how formally or casually it will operate.

First Trefoil Guild
Meets last Monday of the month at
11:30 am

Second Trefoil Guild
Meets fourth Wednesday of the month from noon to 1:30 pm

Peninsula Pals Trefoil Guild
Meets first & third Mondays of the month at 10:00 am at the activity site

Kingswood Night Owl Trefoil
Meets on the third Thursday of the month in the evening at the activity site

Purple Shores Trefoil Guild
Information will be coming along soon

Thimbleberry Trefoil Guild
Information will be coming along soon
For further information on these Trefoil Guilds contact by
All Guild Members will be expected to undergo a Police Records Check (PRC), if one hasn’t been done within the past three years, or complete a PRC Exemption Application (Ex.3) at
See also BC Girl Guides for more information on Trefoil Guilds in BC
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