About Southern Vancouver Island (SVI) Area
The Southern Vancouver Island (SVI) Area of the Girl Guides of Canada is composed of eleven neighbourhood Districts. The map below shows the boundaries of those Districts.
Our membership is made up of approximately 1300 youth and 300 leaders and we welcome girls ages 5 to 18 to join us at any time. We also welcome new leaders (Guiders) who are enthusiastic about youth.
Area Boundaries:
West: From and including Port Renfrew
East: Along the east coast of Vancouver Island and including Mayne and Pender Islands, following the Saanich Peninsula and to the north
North: To the highest point on the Malahat
South: From Port Renfrew south around the base of Vancouver Island
See here for the Land Acknowledgement of SVI Area Girl Guides
Click here: Camping Venues to rent a SVI Area property
MAP of SVI Area with Districts
Information about the activites in each of the Districts is also available on the COMMITTEES/ Districts page on this website.
SVI Area Girl Guides serve the communities of Southern Vancouver Island that are located in the traditional territories of many First Nations, including BOḰEĆEN (Pauquachin), P’a:chi:da?aht (Pacheedaht), Sc'ianew (Beecher Bay), Songhees, SȾÁUTW̱ (Tsawout), T’Sou-ke, W̱JOȽEȽP (Tsartlip), W̱SIKEM (Tseycum), and xÊ·sepsÉ™m (Esquimalt), all of whom have a long-standing relationship with the land and waters from time immemorial that continues to this day.