Girl Awards
(click on the section title to quickly take you to that part of the page)
Area Approval - please email applications to awards email OR mail to 611 Linnet Lane, Victoria, V9E 2B1 not Mason Street.
Provincial Approval (Bursaries and Scholarships)
National Approval (Bursaries and Scholarships)
Follow this link for an overview of Girl Awards from a Program perspective (Sparks to Rangers)
Unit/District Approval

Membership Pin
All girl and adult Members of Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada receive a Membership pin. The Membership pin indicates the number of years of Membership in the organization and only one Membership pin is worn at a time. Girls receive their Membership pin from their Guider or Commissioner. Pins are provided at the beginning of the Guiding year.
Letter of Commendation
A Letter of Commendation may be given to a girl or adult Member in recognition of service to GGC. It may be given by any Member; applications are authorized by the awarding council. It may be given more than once to the same person.

Lady Baden-Powell Challenge
The Lady Baden-Powell challenge is the highest award girls earn in the Guide program. Completion of this challenge usually takes two or more years. Unit Guiders award the pin.

Canada Cord
This is the highest award girls earn in the Pathfinder program by completing the requirements from their program. Unit Guiders award the pin but SVI Area conducts a special ceremony to recognize the girls’ efforts as well.
As the girls complete their program work, forward the name and iMiS number of the Canada Cord recipient to the awards committee email by April 30.

Common-wealth Award
The Commonwealth Award is earned by girls throughout the Commonwealth who are of Pathfinder or Ranger age. The pin can be purchased through the Girl Guides of Canada store. It is suggested that the achievement of this award be acknowledged within the Unit or District. Challenges completed for the Commonwealth Award may be counted toward the Chief Commissioner’s Award.

Trailblazer Leadership
Bronze and Silver are awarded by the unit to Rangers who complete the requirements from their program – Bronze, Silver and Gold levels are awarded on completion of program challenges. More information can be found on the Girl Guides of Canada website.
For the Gold Award, see the SVI Area Awards Approval below for the required application.

Commitment Pin
Like the Membership Pin, this pin is given as of 2014, to girls who complete their final year of Rangers in Grade 12, and have been members for at least 10 years. The pin is in recognition and celebration of their long-term commitment to Guiding. Recipients do not need to have been in Sparks, nor does their membership have to be continuous. The pins will be sent to Unit Guiders to distribute to the Rangers in their unit who meet this criteria.

Community Service Pin
Each of the program areas have the opportunity for girls to participate in Community Service activities. See the applicable program book for requirements.

Gold Thanks Pin
The Gold Thanks may be given to girl and Adult Members for good service to Guiding. This
award may be given at any level with the permission of the council concerned. It may be given more than once.
Area Approval
1) SVI Education Award
Any Guiding member under 21 years of age registered in Girl Guides of Canada, who has been active in Southern Vancouver Island Area for at least one year, and who is furthering her education either at university, college, technical school, school of fine arts or other recognized educational institution. Deadline for scholarship applications is May 31.
Link to Guidelines and Application for SVI Education Award
2) Ranger Awards administered through the Area Awards Committee
Commonwealth Award - see note above under Unit/District Approval
Trailblazer Leadership Gold Award

For the Trailblazer Leadership Gold Award see the SVI Area Awards Adviser for information about ordering the pin, certificate and special ceremonies for the presentation of this award.
As the girls complete their program work, forward the name and iMiS number of the Canada Cord and Gold Trailblazer recipient to the awards committee email by April 30.
3) Team Award

The Team Award may be given to each Member who has been part of a team that planned and carried to completion an extraordinary event or project. The award is primarily intended as an adult award, but there are times when girls are also part of a task group or committee. Therefore, as part of the team being recognized, girls will also be granted the award. A Member may receive the Team Award more than once. More information here.
4) Duke of Edinburgh's Award
See External Awards or their website: http://www.dukeofed.org/
Provincial Approval
1) BC Council Bursaries and Scholarships for Youth Members
These bursaries & scholarships were established by British Columbia Council to recognize the contributions of active girl Members and to offer financial assistance towards education in a field that will enhance the life of the recipient. The Bursary of Honour will be awarded to the top candidate.
Check here to see what Scholarships are available and when the deadline for submission of applications and what supporting documents will be necessary.
LINK to BC Guiding for applications and information and look for GGC Portal (You'll need to Register or sign in, if you have done so previously). Note the document on Helpful Hints - the first link in the list of 5 bursaries.
2) BC Leadership Spirit Award
The BC Leadership Spirit Award was created to recognize outstanding girl members of any age who contribute
significantly to Girl Guides of Canada and in their communities.
Girls who achieve this award have proven to be exceptional amongst their peers whether they are Sparks, Embers, Guides, Pathfinders, or Rangers. This award is available for girls once at each level of Guiding.
To see the criteria for this award see the Girl Awards page of BC Council and then to complete an application, go to LINK to BC Guiding for applications and information (You'll need to Register or sign in, if you have not done so previously).
National Approval

Girl Greatness Award
The Girl Greatness Awards recognize the amazing accomplishments of girls of all ages in their communities and personal lives. Categories include Confidence, Courage, Resourcefulness, and Making a Difference. The award will be granted to one girl in each branch for each of the categories. Girls nominate each other or themselves for the award.
More information and a nomination form can be found at http://www.girlguides.ca/

Change Maker Award
The Change Maker Award recognizes and acknowledges the innovative changes that girls have made to keep their promise to create a better world. Award winners will receive a pin and recognition certificate. Girls nominate each other or themselves for the award.
More information and a nomination form can be found at http://www.girlguides.ca/
National Scholarships
The National Scholarship Program is one of the ways that Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada (GGC) recognizes Members who embody the Mission and Values of the organization. This program supports our “registered Members” (girls and adults) who continue in Guiding, while they pursue their education / training at a recognized post-secondary institution.
There are a variety of scholarships to apply for so read the criteria carefully before completing the applications.
All applications must be completed online by March 25, 2024. Members who have applied previously, but did not receive a scholarship, can re-apply. Applications are available here . You must log in, if you have done so previously or Register (see the green box in the top right hand corner of the Application Portal page).
Other National Awards
Fortitude Award
Presented by the Board of Directors to girl or adult Members who have shown great courage and endurance in adversity. The application comes from the Province to the Board. The award may be given posthumously in special circumstances. Fortitude must have been demonstrated within the past 12 months; however, the onset of adversity may have occurred further in the past. Posthumous applications must be made no more than one year after death.
Valour Award
Presented by the Board of Directors to a girl or adult Member who has shown heroism in risking her life to save or attempting to save the life of another person. The award has three levels:
• Bronze for high risk to personal safety
• Silver for considerable risk to life
• Gold for greatest heroism and risk to life (highest award)
Applications must be made as soon as possible and no longer than 12 months after the incident.
For information about these and other awards, go to MemberZone on the National website.