Districts of Southern Vancouver Island
There are 11 Districts within the Southern Vancouver Island Area:
Bay to Bay, Camas, Chatham, Harbours, Lakes, Pacific Skies, Peninsula Shores,
Portage Inlet, Raven, Straits, Woodwyn.
Each District has a council lead by a District Commissioner with all Guiders
in the District as members of the Council.
To learn more about the Districts, go to COMMITTEES/Districts or click here.
Peninsula Shores District published a book, Saffron the Slug (written by Guiders Carol Whitehouse and Monika Pelz).
The words and illustrations in the book were by girl members in Peninsula Shores District. This was done to complete their National Service Project Literacy Challenge! So amazing!
Saffron the Slug is available for sale ($6.00) at Janet's Special Teas in Sidney or contact Carol Whitehouse (email).

Chatham District has created the Garry Oak Restoration Challenge. This Challenge is meant to be given to girls who learn about the Garry Oak Meadow ecosystem and its importance, and who participate in an activity to help restore Garry Oak habitat. You will find the requirements for the crest and the order form here (WORD or PDF).