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Committees - Districts



Southern Vancouver Island (SVI) Area is divided into 11 Districts.  The map below shows the boundaries of each District. Below the map is a brief description of each District. You can also locate the unit closest to you by using the link on the top of the main page of the National Girl Guides of Canada website called FIND A GROUP [UNIT] .  

Bay to Bay District covers the area from Gordon Head, Cordova Bay and Royal Oak, south to McKenzie Avenue and west to Prospect Lake, with 7 units.

Lakes District is located in Langford.  We have five active units – Sparks, Embers, Guides, Pathfinders and Rangers.  We are very active in our community, such as assisting the Legion with Remembrance day poppy sales and volunteering with the Westshore Food Bank.  All of our units love to camp.”

Camas District covers the Greater Victoria area from James Bay to Fairfield in the south to Jutland in the East along Blanshard.  The northern boundaries are McKenzie and Blenkinsop up to UVIC and down along Henderson.  We also cover these areas in between:  Cedar Hill, Doncaster, Oaklands, Fernwood, Maplewood, Quadra.   Our district currently has 5 units:  Sparks, Embers and Guides and two community groups that cover several different levels.  We have approximately 120 girls and about 25 Guiders.

Pacific Skies District is the formation of two districts that amalgamated a few years ago making it quite a large district.  We have 8 units ranging from Sparks to Rangers who are very active in our communities.

Peninsula Shores District covers the area of Saanich Peninsula slightly north of Mt. Newton Cross Road to North Saanich and Sidney as well as some Gulf Islands.  Most of the units meet at the Sidney Guide and Scout Hall on Third Street in Sidney.

Chatham District encompasses the south-eastern area of Victoria.  We are very lucky to have Bowker Hall for our meeting space where 9 units meet on a weekly basis.  The Hall is available for overnight stays. We make regular connections with the residents at Oak Bay Lodge as a District and support the Annual Broom Bash at Uplands Park every Fall.  We developed the Garry Oak Restoration Challenge.  You can find information on the requirments for this challenge here (WORD or PDF).  Our biggest Fundraiser is our Fall Tea which happens every November in Oak Bay where our girls serve tea to the community and sell crafts to help support their units. 

Harbours District covers the area from Impala Road/Sooke Road intersection all the way to Port Renfrew and includes East Sooke.  We have 8 active units in the community (everything from Sparks to Rangers).  We are very involved in our community, doing many small service projects throughout the year.    We are very fortunate to hold all our meetings at Milnes Landing Camp, in the heart of the forest.

Portage Inlet District covers the communities of High Quadra, Uptown, Gorge, Burnside and Helmcken.   

Raven District encompasses the communities of Esquimalt, Victoria West and the southern portion of View Royal. There are Spark units meeting in Esquimalt & in View Royal, Ember units meeting in Esquimalt & in View Royal, Guide units in Esquimalt & in Victoria West and a Pathfinder unit in Esquimalt. We also have an Area Ranger unit meeting in Esquimalt.

Straits District contains most of Colwood and Metchosin - from Esquimalt Lagoon south to Pedder Bay and then west to Becher Bay, north to Sooke Road and then east back to the ocean.

Woodwyn District is nestled on the Saanich Peninsula in the Municipality of Central Saanich, serving the communities of Brentwood Bay and Saanichton, and the areas of Keating and Tanner Ridge. The majority of our units meet at the Old School Hall in the heart of Brentwood Bay; Keating Guides holds their meetings at the Lion’s Hall on Central Saanich Rd.  Our feeder schools are Brentwood, Keating and Kelset  Elementary, Bayside Middle School and Stelly’s High School.

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