Adult Awards
(click on the section title to quickly take you to that part of the page)
Area Approval - please email applications to awards email OR mail to 611 Linnet Lane, Victoria, V9E 2B1 not Mason Street.
Unit/District Approval

Unit Guider Appreciation Pin

Membership Pin
Letter of Commendation
Certificate of Appreciation

Unit Guider Award Pin

This pin is presented to each new Unit Guider in the first year of service to GGC in a Guiding Unit. The pin is presented by the Unit Guider’s council or administrative community and is only presented to a Member once. No award application is necessary.
All girl and adult Members of Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada receive a Membership pin. The Membership pin indicates the number of years of Membership in the organization and only one Membership pin is worn at a time. Women receive their pin from the District Commissioner or Administrative Community Leaders. Pins are provided at the beginning of the Guiding year. After 15 years of service, pins are awarded every five years.
50+ Years of Membership: Letters of recognition from the Chief Commissioner are sent to women with 50 years of Membership and every five years after that.
A Letter of Commendation may be given to a girl or adult Member in recognition of service to GGC. It may be given by any Member; applications are authorized by the awarding council. It may be given more than once to the same person.
Certificates of Appreciation are available to recognize service given by Guiding Members as a thank you for assistance to the organization. It is recommended that certificates be framed before presentation.
This document may be saved and printed for presentation. Girl Guides of Canada certificate in PDF or Southern Vancouver Island Area's certificate in WORD .
The Unit Guider Award is presented to Unit Guiders who: provide girls with diverse and exciting programs and opportunities that will help them achieve greatness; ensure there are regular bridging opportunities; always welcomes new Members; attend trainings; participate in district or community of Guiding meetings; and uphold the values of GGC.
The award is granted by the council concerned and has three levels:
Bronze: 1-3 years
Silver: 4-10 years
Gold: 11+ years

Gold Thanks Pin
The Gold Thanks may be given to girl and Adult Members for good service to Guiding. This
award may be given at any level with the permission of the council concerned. It may be given more than once.

Commissioner/ACL Award Pin
This award is presented to Commissioners and Administrative Community Leaders who: lead by example, actively welcome new Members and retain current ones; mentor adult Members; uphold the values of GGC; have gained the respect of Members and parents. This award is granted by the council concerned and can be presented during a Member’s tenure or upon retirement.
Area Approval
SVI Educational Awards for Adults
1) SVI Education Award
Any Guiding member under 21 years of age registered in Girl Guides of Canada, who has been active in Southern Vancouver Island Area for at least one year, and who is furthering her education either at university, college, technical school, school of fine arts or other recognized educational institution. Deadline for scholarship applications is May 31. Please email applications to awards email or mail to 611 Linnet Lane, Victoria, V9E 2B1 not Mason Street.
Link to Guidelines and Application for SVI Education Awards
2) Jean Goulson Education Award
This award is open to any Guider 21 years of age and older, registered in Girl Guides of Canada who is active in Southern Vancouver Island Area for at least one year and who is furthering her education either at university, college, technical school, school of fine arts or other recognized educational institute. Deadline for applications is May 31. Please email applications to awards email or mail to 611 Linnet Lane, Victoria, V9E 2B1 not Mason Street.
Link to Guidelines and Application for SVI Education Awards

"Spirit of Hilda Leighton" SVI Award
This award is a tribute to Guiders in SVI who reflect Hilda's extraordinary innovative, pioneering and dedicated spirit for the joy of Guiding. The award is open to any Guider who has been a registered member for a minimum of 5 years in SVI Area, given dedicated service exceeding expectations, continually gave her best to Guiding, made a unique or memorable contribution in SVI, exhibited the true "Spirit of Guiding".
1) Criteria for "Spirit of Hilda Leighton" SVI Award ( PDF document )
2) Nomination Form for "Spirit of Hilda Leighton" SVI Award ( interactive PDF document )
Please email nominations to awards email or mail to 611 Linnet Lane, Victoria, V9E 2B1 not Mason Street.

Merit Award
Presented to adult Members for service to Guiding above the basic requirements for the position
held. An adult Member may receive any or all of the Merit Awards during her tenure in Guiding.
This Award is granted by the council concerned and has three levels:
Bronze: Dedicated service to Guiding
Silver: Excellent service
Gold: Outstanding Service

BC Guider Appreciation Award
BC Guiding recognizes and appreciates the efforts and contribuitons of its adult members. This award was created to honour those women who have contributed significantly and created a positive impact on her council or committee. You can find the interactive application form on the BC Council website (half-way down this page): https://www.girlguides.ca/web/BC/Member_Services/Membership/Awards_Recognition/BC/Volunteers/Guider_Resources/Awards___Recognition/Awards.aspx?hkey=2b49e14a-f2b2-439f-9a61-489127c80986

Team Award
The Team Award may be given to each Member who has been part of a team that planned and carried to completion an extraordinary event or project. The award is primarily intended as an adult award, but there are times when girls are also part of a task group or committee. Therefore, as part of the team being recognized, girls will also be granted the award. A Member may receive the Team Award more than once. See more information here.
Provincial Approval
BC Council Bursaries, Grants and Scholarships
These bursaries & scholarships were established by British Columbia Council to recognize the contributions of active Members and to offer financial assistance towards education in a field that will enhance the life of the recipient.
Check here for the submission of applications and supporting documents online and to determine the deadline date. You'll need to Register or Log In, if you have previously done so.
LINK to BC Guiding for applications and information Note the document on Helpful Hints - first item at the top of the link list of 5 bursaries.
Other Provincial Awards - see the Quick Reference for requirements (you'll need to sign in)
Provincial Letter of Commendation
Provincial Letter of Congratulations
Medal of Merit
Book of Honour
Fortitude Award
Valour Award
National Approval
National Scholarships
The National Scholarship Program is one of the ways that Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada (GGC) recognizes Members who embody the Mission and Values of the organization. This program supports our “registered Members” (girls and adults) who continue in Guiding, while they pursue their education / training at a recognized post-secondary institution.
There are a variety of scholarships to apply for so read the criteria carefully before completing the applications.
All applications must be completed online (you'll need to Register or Log In, if you have rpeviously done so. Members who have applied previously, but did not receive a scholarship, can re-apply. Applications are available here .
Other National Awards
Fortitude Award
Valour Award
Beaver Award
Gold Maple Lead Award
Honorary Life Member
For information about these and other awards, go to MemberZone on the National website.